Instructions can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Our TrueNute Fake Fish is really easy to use, it is in dry form making it very easy to control. It adds a very pure form of ammonium to the water, so it is like having fish in the system. We use it to cycle new systems, keep systems going if we have to harvest all the fish at once and to supplement the amount of ammonia that is in the system. By supplementing the amount of ammonia that is in the system, the bacteria colony will increase so you can slowly back down from using TrueNute Fake Fish over time as your fish grow and produce more ammonia.
Why take a chance of killing fish when you can naturally cycle your new or reworked aquaponics system?
- One pound per package.
- Add 5 ML of the ammonium Sulfate to your system of 200 gallons. Use more or less depending on the size of your system.
- If you need help deciding how much to use, let us know, we are here to help, and that means holding your had if we need to.
- Let the system circulate for about 1 hour and check the ammonia level, you are shooting for 3 PPM.
- If you are below 3 PPM, add another dose and let the system cycle for another hour.
- Keep checking and repeating the steps until you get to 5 PPM, but do not rush it.
- After you reach 3 PPM, stop adding and let the system keep running.
- 24 hours later, test the ammonia level again, and add or not, depending on the level of ammonia in the water.
- Wait till the level of ammonia drops to 3 PPM before adding again. Try to maintain 3 PPM until nitrite starts to show up.
To receive the instructions by email, contact us at trueaquaponics@gmail.com