Instructions can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Here you can mix and match what you need in any quantity you want. You can pick 3 Veg mixes and 6 Flower and Fruit mixes. What is that good for, well this one is simple and most don't even think about it. If you are going to grow tomatoes, you would want to use the Vegetative Growth mix until you start to see flowers. This will allow the plant to bulk up as much as it can before it starts to put on fruit. Then when you see the first flowers, you switch to the Flower and Fruit mix to as the plants become heavy feeders and need more nutrients and different nutrients as well, the Flower and Fruit mix will have you covered.
Please note, this mix is for systems with a PH of 7.5 or lower. If your PH is 7.6 or above, please adjust it down before you start adding this mix so that the minerals will be available to the plants.
Also recommended is the TrueNute Micro Nutrient Mix that you will add once every three months for greens or once every two months for Flowering and Fruiting plants.
When choosing your mixes, select the "Type of Mix" and then the "Gallons in Your System". Now click "Add To Cart" and you will be able to go to your cart and change the number of months worth of either mix. 1 equals 1 month, 5 would equal 5 months. We like to add one of each "Type of Mix" at the correct "Gallons in Our System" and then go to our cart to adjust the quantity.
Shipping is Free, so you don't have to worry about your price changing due to shipping inside the United States.